dinsdag 28 oktober 2014

Does gravel beat shadow?

One of the funniest pictures I know:

These children are puzzled by shadow: it does not disappear when they throw gravel on top of it. It reminds me of Jung, who used the term "shadow" for unconscious negative personal traits. The picture suggests that these are also hard to get rid of.

Picture source: "The shadow club - the greatest mystery in the universe and the thinkers who unlocked its secrets", Roberto Casati.

This article is a translation of http://nietexact.blogspot.nl/2014/10/winnen-steentjes-van-schaduw.html (October 28, 2014).

Why exactly "Not exactly so"?

What is the reason for the title "Not exactly so" of this blog? Coming up with a good title is not that simple. I followed a routine I sometimes use in buying a birthday present: first buy the present, than devise a fitting story.

"Not exactly so": because of my supposedly narrow background this blog will deal with subjects from the exact sciences. However... because of my broad interest many other subjects will be dealt with. The gist of my fitting story is this algorithm:

IF subject from within the exact sciences THEN
   it will come clear that it has an inexact side to it
ELSE % not an exact subject
   eh... then it is a subject from outside the exact sciences
END % of blog-title-interpretation-algorithm

This blog is the continuation of the blog nietexact.blogspot.com which is written in Dutch. Translated versions of my favourite articles that appeared there will appear here in due time.

This article is a translation of http://nietexact.blogspot.nl/2014/08/waarom-precies-niet-exact.html (August 5, 2014).